Mother and Daughters Daylilies
© 2021 Mother And Daughters Daylilies All rights reserved
ABOUT US We will start with an explanation of our name The mother in our name is for, Joan Rich, the Mother and the daughter is Mary Lou Molenaar. The S is for the two other daughters who lend us their help and encouragement. Both of us love to garden and after thirtynine years at the same location in Whitby my garden is well established except the must haves that are added every year. Mary Lou's gardens are continually expanding to accommodate the new named daylilies, Hosta's, Heuchera's, Roses, Hibiscus and whatever else that is of interest that year. Good thing she has over two acres of property. Six years ago we decided to start our business much to the chagrin of my husband who was sure, being retired, we would spend many more days at our cottage. Mary Lou was and is a very busy lady helping her husband Tom with a very successful contracting business and raising three teenagers. Both husbands roll their eyes whenever we break up new ground but too date they have not left us. Our main garden is at the Molenaar residence near Sunderland. I have many plants at my home in Whitby as I enjoy producing new seedlings each year and by mid- August they are covered in seed pods. Our seedlings are in both locations as I cannot resist crossing one beautiful bloom with another. I also have a seedling garden at my daughter Connie's home in Whitby (another patient son-in -law) top quality plantsThis garden is also used to quarantine new plants. The field at our business site is a beautiful sight to see in late July so make a point to come see us and buy some of our top quality plants. Check back in to see new pictures of both locations out in full bloom Joan & Mary Lou
Joan's Place
Mary Lou's Place
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Mother and Daughters Daylilies
© 2021 Mother And Daughters Daylilies All rights reserved
ABOUT US We will start with an explanation of our name The mother in our name is for, Joan Rich, the Mother and the daughter is Mary Lou Molenaar. The S is for the two other daughters who lend us their help and encouragement. Both of us love to garden and after thirtynine years at the same location in Whitby my garden is well established except the must haves that are added every year. Mary Lou's gardens are continually expanding to accommodate the new named daylilies, Hosta's, Heuchera's, Roses, Hibiscus and whatever else that is of interest that year. Good thing she has over two acres of property. Six years ago we decided to start our business much to the chagrin of my husband who was sure, being retired, we would spend many more days at our cottage. Mary Lou was and is a very busy lady helping her husband Tom with a very successful contracting business and raising three teenagers. Both husbands roll their eyes whenever we break up new ground but too date they have not left us. Our main garden is at the Molenaar residence near Sunderland. I have many plants at my home in Whitby as I enjoy producing new seedlings each year and by mid- August they are covered in seed pods. Our seedlings are in both locations as I cannot resist crossing one beautiful bloom with another. I also have a seedling garden at my daughter Connie's home in Whitby (another patient son-in -law) top quality plantsThis garden is also used to quarantine new plants. The field at our business site is a beautiful sight to see in late July so make a point to come see us and buy some of our top quality plants. Check back in to see new pictures of both locations out in full bloom Joan & Mary Lou
Joan's Place Mary Lou's Place Lets Connect  On